The Managed Service Provider (MSP) for Contingent Information Technology (IT) Resources services is a Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangement established to provide to all ministries and approved agencies of the Government of Ontario, and may optionally be used by non-Ontario Public Service (OPS) entities. The MSP will provide MSP services and be the single channel through which Contingent IT Resources are provided to clients. The MSP will be responsible for sourcing, providing and managing the Contingent IT Resources.
The Managed Service Provider (MSP) model reflects input from vendors, as well as market research. It is a best practice recognized by the IT and vendor communities and used widely by private and public sector organizations and jurisdictions, including five other provinces. This new arrangement is in line with the government’s digital transformation initiatives and its work on an integrated supply chain that is anticipated to reduce costs and make it easier and more efficient to do business with government and across the broader public sector.
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