VOR Details

Supply Chain Ontario

VOR Search Details
NOTE: Registered OPS Clients/Non-OPS Clients must log in to view and download VOR user guides.
Type: Non-IT
Category: Travel Management
VOR Number/Title: OSS-00559105 - Corporate Cards Services
File Name: OSS-00559105
Description: This Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangement was established for the provision corporate card services both Purchasing Cards (Pcards) and Travel Cards (Tcards) . The VOR may optionally be used by Provincially Funded Organizations. Pcards are used for low dollar value purchases and Tcards are used for expenditures for approved business related travel.

The term of this VOR arrangement is for six (6) years with the option to extend the VOR arrangement for two additional two (2) year terms under the same terms and conditions.

Available to: OPS/Non-OPS
Effective Date: 04/01/2017
Original Expiry Date: 03/31/2023
Current Expiry Date: 03/31/2025

Qualified Vendors

* Bank of Montreal (BMO) ePurchasing Solutions