VOR Details

Supply Chain Ontario

VOR Search Details
NOTE: Registered OPS Clients/Non-OPS Clients must log in to view and download VOR user guides.
Type: Non-IT
Category: Human Resources - Employee Assistance
VOR Number/Title: OSS-00622650 - Employee Relocation Services
File Name: OSS-00622650
Description: The Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangement for Employee Relocation Services can be used by OPS ministries and classified agencies that are prescribed as Commission public bodies under O. Reg. 374 made under the Public Services of Ontario Act, 2006 (PSOA).

The term of this arrangement is for three (3) years with an option in favour of the Ministry to extend the Agreement on the same terms and conditions for an additional two (2) terms of up to two (2) years each.

Available to: OPS/Non-OPS
Effective Date: 09/01/2017
Original Expiry Date: 08/31/2020
Current Expiry Date: 08/31/2024

Qualified Vendors

* TransferEASE Relocation Inc