VOR Details

Supply Chain Ontario

VOR Search Details
NOTE: Registered OPS Clients/Non-OPS Clients must log in to view and download VOR user guides.
Type: Non-IT
Category: Human Resources - Learning, Training, Executive Coaching, Facilitation
VOR Number/Title: Tender-17815 - Learning, Training, Research, and Evaluation Services
File Name: Tender-17815

This Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangement was established to provide Learning, Training, Research, and Evaluation Services for the Ontario Public Service (OPS). This VOR is mandatory for OPS entities and optional for non-OPS entities. The term of the Agreement is for five years with annual refreshes at the Ministry's discretion.

Available to: OPS/Non-OPS
Effective Date: 05/15/2023
Original Expiry Date: 05/14/2028
Current Expiry Date: 05/14/2028

Qualified Vendors

* 2629568 Ontario Inc. (DBA SYRK Services Group)
* 4Forward Inc.
* 9552600 Canada Inc. (DBA SkillsCamp)
* AdaptiveX Inc (DBA AdaptiveX Inc)
* AERIC Inc. (DBA The Conference Board of Canada)
* Artha Learning Inc
* Ash Education Inc
* Audmax Inc.
* Bay3000 Consulting Inc.
* Behavioural Insights (Canada) Ltd (DBA Behavioural Insights Team)
* Bluedrop Learning Networks
* Brock University
* Calian Ltd.
* Calibrate Solutions
* Canadian Centre for Clear Communication, Inc.
* Canadian Education Association (DBA EdCan Network)
* CanMediate International
* Carahsoft Technology Corporation
* CareerJoy
* Cathexis Consulting Inc.
* CCI Research Inc.
* CM Inc.
* Connective Intelligence Inc
* Credence & Co
* David Trick and Associates Inc.
* Dialogic Intelligence Inc. (DBA Human Learning Institute)
* Digital 55 Inc.
* Digital Human Library
* Directions Evidence and Policy Research Group, LLP
* Discovery Education Solutions
* DPRA Canada Inc.
* Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology
* eLearning Lair Inc.
* eLearnza Inc (DBA Pixelera Inc)
* Eclectic Communications Incorporated
* Eden Park Group
* Enable Training and Consulting Inc
* ETS Educational Testing Service Canada Inc
* Fifalde Consulting Inc
* Flint Learning Solutions Inc.
* Future Design School Inc.
* Gallagher Benefit Services (Canada) Group Inc (aka Gallagher McDowall Associates)
* Gibson Leadership Solutions
* Glennie Mercer & Associates
* Global Knowledge Network (Canada) Inc.
* Global Leadership Initiatives Inc.
* Global Learning Solutions Inc.
* Global Value Expanders Ltd (oa GVEX)
* Goss Gilroy Inc.
* Groupe Edgenda inc
* Health and Safety Professionals Inc.
* Humanicity Consulting Group Inc.
* HyperActive Productions Inc.
* IMACAN Management Centres Inc. (Canadian Management Centre)
* Infinity Human Resources Group
* Insight Advantage Inc
* Ivey Business School, Western University
* John Galt International Limited
* Kunst Solutions Corp. (DBA Kunst Art of Solutions.)
* Last Minute Training Corporation (DBA Learngistics)
* LCL Consulting
* Leadership Intelligence Incorporated
* Leaf Learning 365
* Lean Agility Inc.
* Learning Tree International
* Lee Hecht Harrison Knightsbridge
* Leger Marketing Inc. (dba: Leger, OR Marketing Leger)
* LifeSpeak Inc.
* Limestone Analytics Inc. (DBA Limestone Analytics LLC)
* Limestone Learning Inc
* M.D. Burgess and Associates Inc.
* MediaFace Inc.
* Medow Consulting Inc.
* Metrix Group Inc.
* Mimeri Investments Ltd. (Hazell and Collins Associates - Radiant)
* Mussio-La Grassa Inc.
* New Horizons Computer Learning Centers Inc.
* Niewe Consulting Ltd (DBA Baiame Consulting Ltd)
* Northern Micro Inc.
* Nous Group Holdings (Canada) Ltd (formerly Connor Claire Group Inc.)
* Olade Consulting Inc. (DBA Olade Consulting Inc.)
* Ontario Tourism Education Corp.
* Optimal Market Risk Management Advisors Inc. (DBA Optimal MRM)
* Optimus SBR Inc.
* Padraig Inc. (formerly Padraig Coaching and Consulting)
* Potentials Realized
* Prism Economics & Analysis
* Prompta Inc.
* Queen's University Kingston
* R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. (dba: Malatest)
* Redwood Performance Group
* Right Management Inc.
* Rutherford Mckay Associates (DBA Trustmakers)
* S&B Consulting Toronto Inc. (DBA S&B Consulting)
* Sage Mentors Inc (Mossop Cornelissen Consultants Inc)
* Sandbox - La Boite a Films Inc.
* Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology
* Say Yeah!
* Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology
* SkyHive Technologies Inc.
* Springboard Policy Inc.
* StrategiSense Inc.
* Stratford Group Ltd
* Susan Geary
* The Executive Roundtable Inc
* The Social Research and Demonstration Corporation
* The University of Western Ontario
* Third Party Public Inc. (Formerly Swerhun Inc.)
* Train for Change Inc.
* Unicorn Labs Inc
* University of Ottawa
* Verity International Limited
* Weiss International Ltd.
* Whiteboard Consulting
* York University, Schulich Executive Education Centre, Schulich School of Business